Benefits “Belimbing Wuluh” For Health

Although small, the benefits of “Belimbing wuluh” turned out so great. The diverse content of nutrients in this fruit is good for your health, ranging from maintaining the health of the heart to accelerate wound healing.

Starfruit is a plant widely cultivated in the region of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. Because it tastes sour, sweet, and tart, this fruit is often used as a cooking ingredient for a wide variety of foods.

The Benefits Of Starfruit

Here are the benefits “Belimbing wuluh” for health that you need to know:

1. Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

Benefits “Belimbing wuluh” the first is its ability to control blood sugar levels, it can also monitor the activity of insulin in the body.

This is because the flavonoid content and rich dietary fiber in raisins work to prevent sudden spikes in blood glucose levels after eating, thereby helping to control the symptoms of diabetes.

2. Help Manage Hypertension

The content of antioxidants and protein are the benefits of “Belimbing wuluh” which can also function as an extraordinary natural remedy to reduce high blood pressure or hypertension. By consuming this fruit decoction, you can get benefits on blood pressure in the blood vessels. It will work by dilating arteries, veins and capillaries and relaxing the heart muscle.

The benefits of “Belimbing wuluh” from the moderate level of antioxidants contained in it, can also ward off free radicals which are one of the factors that cause various diseases, such as cancer, diabetes mellitus, to neurodegenerative diseases.

3. Cure a Cough and Colds

High vitamin C content in “Belimbing wuluh” can also provide tremendous benefits for the immune system function. In turn, the benefits of starfruit will strengthen the defense mechanism of the body and is then able to treat cough and runny nose due to seasonal changes and allergies.

4. Maintain Bone Health

“Belimbing wuluh” is also rich in calcium, so that the benefits of “Belimbing wuluh” also increase bone density and maintain the structural integrity of the skeleton in the body.

Eat the extract of “Belimbing wuluh” in the form of dried fruit, will provide excellent benefits to the bone.

5. Cope With A Toothache

The benefits of “Belimbing wuluh” can also be used to treat pain and pain in the teeth. It’s almost same way as to treat acne, just need to destroy the “Belimbing wuluh” but not too smooth. Then apply to the area of teeth pain. You can wait for about one hour, and let the fruit of that work and then gargle with warm water

6. Accelerate wound healing

When you are injured, the body needs collagen to repair the damaged tissue. In order to produce collagen, the body requires the intake of vitamin C is enough.

The same is the case with the “Belimbing wuluh” usual, starfruit is also rich in vitamin C. This Vitamin is known to stimulate the formation of collagen which is good for skin health and recovery process of wounds.

7. Maintain the health of the heart and blood vessels

“Belimbing wuluh”  is known to be useful for the health of the heart and blood vessels. These benefits can be obtained thanks to the content of antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, and potassium in it. Potassium serves to lower the blood pressure, while the fiber can lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. The content of vitamin C in “Belimbing wuluh” can also reduce inflammation and prevent blockages in blood vessels (atherosclerosis).

Not only that, the fruit of the “Belimbing wuluh” is also included as a source of antioxidants that are good. This means that, “Belimbing wuluh” can prevent damage to body cells and the growth of cancer cells due to exposure to free radicals. In general, “Belimbing wuluh” better consumed as an adjunct in the menu of healthy eating you everyday. However, the effectiveness and safety of use “Belimbing wuluh” as drugs or supplements is up to now still need to be investigated further.

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